Military Police Authenticity Matters
Members portray Army Military Policemen of the 4th Infantry Division of World War II at events. At most events, the 4th Infantry Division MP Platoon reenact Military Police during a very specific time period of the war that may include stateside training or garrison duty, patrolling the towns of Southern England before the Normandy Invasion, or directing traffic on the roads leading to Paris.
Personal Appearance
Military Policemen were expected to set an example for other troops exemplifying the Army's regulations. To help accomplish an accurate impression, we request that all members have a period short haircut (the hair should not touch the shirt collar). All soldiers should be clean shaven with the exception of a neatly-trimmed mustache (to the corners of the mouth) for all events. Several days beard growth may be appropriate for combat troops, but not as the Military Police.
Various activities require unit members to dress accordingly and carry the equipment appropriate for each of the scripted scenarios. The wool uniform is generally correct for most of these events. Mixing uniform components is discouraged, however, this may be acceptable for a few of the later war events.
Military Courtesy
During all events, the IV DIV MP exhibit World War II US Army regulation courtesy at appropriate times. Instruction in proper military courtesy will be provided, but we encourage all of the soldiers to read period Army manuals that cover this topic and others in order to obtain a working knowledge of the 1940s military.
Camp Appearance
Modern camping equipment and other anachronisms are not allowed in public view in order to enhance the feel of a real World War II era US Army encampment. Even after spectators leave the camp, we take steps to at least camouflage modern items, (e.g.; place a spare blanket or shelter half over a cooler). Modern sleeping bags, or other non-period items, should be left inside tents with the flaps closed.
Participating in various period activities while in camp; such as the weapon cleaning, drill, playing cards, or writing letters home; is highly encouraged. These activities in camp serve to round out the encampment and give members and spectators the feeling that they are in a real 1940s setting. Some activities, like road patrolling or guard duty, may be assigned by non-commissioned officers or officers.
Family members or friends who are not participating as IV DIV MP, or other appropriate impressions of the era, generally do not loiter in the encampment for extended periods of time, in an effort to maintain the semblance of an authentic military encampment.
Rank & other Information
Members must first receive approval from the unit commander before assuming any rank other than Buck Private. Even Private First Class (PFC) is an earned rank. Members who attend an event wearing rank insignia that has not previously been approved may be asked to remove the rank insignia in order to participate in the event.
Rank Structure:
Platoon Leader- 2nd Lieutenant
Platoon Sergeant- Staff Sergeant
Squad Leaders- Sergeant
Assistant Squad Leaders- Corporal
Privates, Private First Class and Technical Ranks
Platoon Leader- 2nd Lieutenant
Platoon Sergeant- Staff Sergeant
Squad Leaders- Sergeant
Assistant Squad Leaders- Corporal
Privates, Private First Class and Technical Ranks
There are many small WWII American reenactment units that are comprised of only officers and non-commissioned officers. We aspire to achieve unit balance in the IV DIV MP. Therefore, rank positions are created and filled as the unit grows in numbers. Once rank is approved, members are allowed to sew appropriate rank insignia onto their uniforms and be accorded the proper military respect that accompanies the position. Rank decisions, even Private First Class (PFC), are based on a set criteria that includes a member's ability to demonstrate a willingness to take on the responsibilities of that rank.
Technical ranks (Technician 5th Grade and Technician 4th Grade) are a determined a bit differently. In order to wear the rank of a technician, a member should show an interest in researching a specific role that a US Military Policeman would have performed as a T/5 or T/4. A list of "jobs" that technicians performed, from a copy of the Table of Organization and Equipment (TO&E), will be made available to any member interested in portraying this rank. T/5 or T/4 rank requires developing a presentation about that technician impression and demonstrating it before an audience of unit members at an event. Technicians are highly encouraged to collect gear and equipment that would be specific to the role they choose (e.g.; tools for a mechanic).
TM 2014 WWII 65th Puerto Rico Infantry "Borinqueneers" & 165th Signal Photo Co. All rights reserved
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